Immediate benefits can be gained by outsourcing IT services through Managed Services.

1. You are working with a team of professionals, not an individual. This gains you access to more capabilities from more individuals.

2. When problems arise, we can throw the entire team and resources at the problem to resolve it quickly.

3. You have access to all our tools that we have developed over the years and actively manage. This includes items like software monitoring tools and system automation to resolve errors. These are tools you do not have to reproduce in house.

4. You are not managing an industry you do not have expertise in, IT. Hence, you can focus more on your core business.

5. You get the perspective from seasoned professionals that work with a wide variety of business’ in multiple industries.

6. If there are other items that your internal IT person does, you may be able to delegate those items or hire a much lower cost resource to fill that role.

7. Reduce Technology Risk – Keeping up with technology required to run your business is expensive, and extremely difficult for a sole individual. We are always on top of the latest and greatest technology.

8. Individuals take vacations, a company does not.

9. A sole IT person tends to burn out over time and does not adhere to best practices. A team always maintains standards.

10. You get a true Customer Success Manager to help your business drive your technology needs from a business perspective.