Compliance Requirements and Security Audits
Our team can provide all your businesses independent compliance and security audit needs in achieving or navigating the regulatory requirements of PCI, FINRA, DFARS (CMMC), FEDRAMP, FISMA, HIPAA, PHI/PII, etc. Click here For more information and updates on the CMMC.
A few of the frequent reports we run are:
Security Risk Report
This report includes a proprietary Security Risk Score and chart showing the relative health (on a scale of 1 to 10) of the network security, along with a summary of the number of computers with issues. This powerful lead generation and sales development tool also reports on outbound protocols, System Control protocols, User Access Controls, as well as an external vulnerabilities summary list.
Security Policy Assessment Report
A detailed overview of the security policies which are in place on both a domain wide and local machine basis.
Share Permission Report by Computer
Comprehensive lists of all network “shares” by computer, detailing which users and groups have access to which devices and files, and what level of access they have.
Outbound Security Report
Highlights deviation from industry standards compared to outbound port and protocol accessibility, lists available wireless networks as part of a wireless security survey, and provides information on Internet content accessibility.
External Vulnerability Scan Detail by Issue Report
A compact version of the External Vulnerability Scan Detail report that is organized by issues. Devices that are affected are listed within an issue. This report is useful for technicians that are looking to resolve issues, rather than performing remediation on a system.
Anomalous Login Report
Expand your security knowledge and easily identify anomalous user logins with a value-add report that methodically analyzes login history from the security event logs. The report uses mathematical modeling and proprietary pattern recognition to highlight potential unauthorized users who log into machines they normally do not access and at times they normally do not log in.